Easy Full-Body Home-Workouts With Minimal Equipment

Home Workouts - Easy Peasy!
Full Body Functional Strengthening  

Ok, so not everyone has the time, desire or extra cash to do workouts in a gym.
Especially a lot of my exercise rehab clients, who want to get better in the convenience of their own home and best maximise their tight schedules.

After all, who isn't busy these days?
So a little time efficiency goes a long way.
It's all about training smart, rather than just training hard!

To train at home, either in a dynamic full-body way, or for exercise rehabilitation, you don't really need that much equipment. However, you do need a bit of imagination or a well planned program to follow, to make it work.

So today it was a bit wet and windy. I decided it wasn't the most ideal day to train outside and instead found a small area inside at home. I don't always need a lot of space to get a good workout.

So what equipment will do the trick? To sort out my core, get me pumped and kick my ass?
Easy - My trusty 4kg Medicine Ball, a small 2kg Theraband soft weighted ball, and my yoga mat. That's it!

I got these gems just at K-mart for practically peanuts. The quality is good enough and so very affordable.

Hmm... Now how did I use these med balls and mat to my advantage?

Well, I did a bunch of moves for all the body parts pretty much.
In this workout, I did 1 min intervals of an exercise, then just kept changing up the exercise, over 30 minutes. So I did 25 different moves with 5 minutes of rest!
Which looked like: 5 exercises for 1 min each, then 1 min break. I did this 5 times. Again, changing up the move each time.

Posture, form and technique is paramount to me! So if you're not sure about yours when your training at home, please use a mirror to look out for alignment issues, or more importantly get someone like me to show you how to do things right from the beginning. If you learn the basics on how to move your body with good posture, alignment and muscle recruitment, you will avoid reinforcing the compensation patterns and poor posture, that you may have created over years, and not even be a aware of?

I cranked my iPod, stood in front of a mirror, and started my workout!
Not to perve, but to watch my body positions and see if I was cheating, the more I fatigued.

Every move I did, had me holding my med ball, throwing it, pushing it, pulling it, curling it, leaning on it, heel tapping it, star jumping with it, side lunging with it, squatting with it, sprinting back and forth to tag it...you name it, I was using it to pump my heart and make me stronger! Throwing in some 1 leg balance exercises, always makes my Nervous System happy, and improves my Proprioception too.

I laid on the mat, kneeled on it, sat on it... all while using the med ball and my own body weight!  
The small weighted ball, I find is a total treat for rehab'ing and strengthening the rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder, which are invariably weak in a lot of individuals. It's also great for making the whole arm and hand much stronger too. So I threw in a couple exercises using this small squishy ball too.

So there you have it. Easy, fast and efficient. Plus cheap!
So no excuses now :)  haha

Enjoy your day!

Jodie Hopkins
The Posture & Pain Re-programmer


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